Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Am I Less of a Christian?

Ok folks...here is a second post today. Something I meant to put on here or FB a week or so ago. As we got near to and on the day of Easter, I noticed how many individuals on FB changed their status to reflect Jesus being risen. Some of these seemed really inspired and sincere. However, here is a question that I am throwing out to you:
Am I less of a Christian because I did not post something like that? How many folks out there do you think posted a message BECAUSE almost everyone else was doing so and they didn't want to be seen as not feeling that way? How many folks don't believe a word they typed on that day?
I am not trying to be cynical by any means. I enjoy examining motives more than I do actions. Wait...shouldn't we be worried that is what God does too?

Don't Grow Weary...

You know, I have heard this verse hundreds of times before: "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Gal 6:9 (NKJV). I did just that it seemed for so long. In high school, I never drank, did drugs, fooled around...I don't have a testimony of being "bad" as a teenager. I never went through a rough spell. I didn't even hang around folks that did. I went to college and immediately into student ministry. I made it through college (6.5 years total) and never really committed any more indescretions than I had in high school. I never chose to sow any wild oats. Instead, I studied and worked with teenagers. I never even had a drink until I was 26 - the night before my wedding day (which was also a day of firsts!).
I don't really know how to say this, but I have grown weary of doing (and being) good-ish. I spent more than a decade working with students in the ministry, but felt as much frustration as I did completion. Don't get me wrong, I haven't joined Hell's Angels or anything, but I am tired. I don't know what it "was like" to live that life that I hear about from others. It isn't that I want to be bad or see how many of the 7 deadly sins I can commit in one weekend, but it is more of an apathy that I feel (and a curiosity). With my pastor potentially reading this, I don't want to give the impression that I am out drinking, cussing, or hanging out in dives full-time. I also want to make it known that there is not any alcohol in our home and I would only have the occasional drink when not around my kids. I am glad that I grew up in a home away from all of that.
I just spent so many years as the role-model student minister, I just want a break - I am weary. I will save many of the student minister stories for another time.

SO....here is what I am getting at: Have you ever felt the same? Did you grow up isolated from those elements of society to only wonder what it was all about later in life? How guilty should I feel about ordering a 'rita here or there? What do you do when you just don't care? I feel that I may fit in to the role of salt that is losing its saltiness.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why Blog?

Why am I wasting my time blogging for maybe 2 people to read? Maybe this will be a place where I can vent that doesn't involve my wife. Maybe I can speak freely without the chance of people actually hearing me. Let me start by saying I am a normal, adult male. WOW...what a revelation. I know. Some of you thought so much higher of me. You were expecting some high, lofty, eloquent blog about spirituality and faith and you would leave feeling like you just read a book by Max Lucado. Sorry...
Instead, I want a forum where I can be honest and speak my mind. Being a Christian, that is a rare thing. My friend John once started a youth ministry and titled it "Real Life." The problem is that most church-goers and "Christians" are some of the least real people you will ever meet. They show up on Sundays (and maybe Wednesdays) and they put on their best outfits and paint on their best faces and offer up the right hand of fellowship to whomever will allow it. We come to church and clam-up rather than open-up. We are afraid to allow others to know that our lives are as screwed-up as theirs. I know that I spent most of my youth thinking my youth pastor had it all together until I was old enough to ask and found out that he struggled with the same stuff that I did. After my mom passed, I was having a tough time dealing with it and went to the doc for some Zoloft-flavored candy. I thought I was weak, cause nobody that I knew was on meds because they were stressed. Imagine my surprise to find out how many others were able to participate in a conversation about their favorite anti-depressant once they heard me mention that I was on them. Why did we not have this conversation while I was worrying about worrying?
BACK TO THE POINT...I want to use this as a place where I, as an average Christian, can speak my mind. Share my doubts. Vent my frustrations. Allow you, whoever you may be, to see that you aren't alone. I don't know where this may go, but hold on because I can assure you it will be a bumpy ride.