Monday, March 30, 2009

Why Daddy?

Well, for one, was already taken and I didn't want to use dashes, periods, or underscores. Also, that is what I have been identified as for the past 4 years and it will continue that way for many more. I am Daddy Glasgow. Ask Cade or Cole who I am and they will reply, "Daddy Glasgow"...well usually.
But, I don't mind. I am a Daddy. I like being Daddy. Daddy means that I am needed. Daddy means I am loved. It is more loving and intimate than "Father" or "Dad". Daddy expresses childlike understanding, yet it is a deeper concept than most of us can grasp. Daddy shows not only the position I hold, but the character I carry it out with. It expresses someone who expresses love, understanding, faith, and integrity. I hope it always will. I pray it never becomes a condescending title. I love my boys and my heart's desire is to be their "Daddy" as long as possible.